a preview of the most promising upcoming films

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

List of CinExcite’s rated films

Every film trailer we watch and every film we're tracking is listed here. Each entry includes the title, opening date, my rating, and link to the trailer, if available.

View the list of films in Excel format:
The list is essentially an Excel-type spreadsheet. Each column may be sorted (to help find a film by title, date or rating), or filtered (to narrow the list only to films with ratings or release dates you are interested in).

The list has five sections, which you can find by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the page:
  • Upcoming Films: Includes every movie I've seen the trailer for, including those I plan to see (rated 4 or 5), and other films which might interest you (rated 1-3).
  • Announced; no trailer yet: This list is for notable films I am watching for, but for which no trailer has been released. Most of these films do not yet have a release date.
  • Past Films: Once a film's release is a month past, I archive their entries here. This helps keep the Upcoming Films list up to date.
  • Rejected Films: This is for titles whose trailer I have reviewed, but find no compelling reason to see or bring to my readers' attention. No information other than the title is supplied. Usually my reason for rejecting a film is that, based on my limited time to see every film I want, and the content of the trailer, I'm simply not interested. Of course, no rating at CinExcite is cut in stone, and because I monitor the critical reception of new releases and the opinions of readers, I often change my mind once additional information is available.
  • Reader Suggestions: This list updates live each time a reader submits a film to us via our suggestion page.
If you need help using this list, I urge you to post a comment below, or contact me. Hearing your questions will help me continually improve this feature.


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